Florida Vacation Rental Insurance
Short term rental insurance for vacation rental properties in Florida
Do you own or manage a short term vacation rental property in Florida? If you answered yes, this information is specifically for you. Here is everything you need to know about short term rental insurance for vacation rental properties in Florida.
Why you should consider InsuraGuest for your Florida vacation rental insurance provider
In Florida, it is important to consider purchasing vacation rental insurance because the state has a large tourist industry and a high number of vacation rental properties. This means the risks associated with renting out a property, such as property damage and liability for injuries to guests, are higher.
But there are plenty of insurance providers across the country and certainly no shortage of insurance providers in Florida. So what's so special about InsuraGuest? A lot, actually.
1. Simplicity
First, InsuraGuest was designed with simplicity in mind from its inception. From our signup process to filing a claim, we are the easiest and simplest company to work with when it comes to short term vacation rental insurance. Forget about hassles and red tape. InsuraGuest makes short term vacation rental insurance a breeze.
Most insurance companies in Florida offer several types of insurance spanning multiple industries like home insurance, commercial insurance, health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and more. Then almost as an afterthought they add on vacation rental insurance. Dealing with some insurance companies can be difficult, especially when it comes to claims processing, exclusions, and payouts.
In contrast, InsuraGuest was born straight out of the vacation rental insurance industry and is focused only on vacation rental property insurance. We know short term rental insurance and we know what short term rental property owners want and need in Florida. Our signup process is fast and easy. Coverage is instant. Claims processing and payouts are handled within 72 hours without a lot of hassles and hoops to jump through.
Simply put, we are the simplest vacation rental insurance company you'll find in Florida.
2. Lower Costs
Any short term rental insurance company in Florida can say they will save you money. But do they follow through on that promise after the ink has dried?
We do. InsuraGuest has devised a clever way to help you save on vacation rental property insurance costs. We don't skimp on coverage or protection, we simply help you share the cost of short term rental insurance with your guests which lowers the financial burden on you.
How? One way is to help you automate a nightly insurance fee of a few dollars on every guest reservation using your favorite listing service or property management software. Guests love knowing they're protected during a stay. It creates a much better guest experience which ultimately translates into better reviews and more bookings.
We find that most guests would much rather pay a few dollars for insurance protection than pay a traditional security deposit. Security deposits are meant to protect property owners. InsuraGuest is meant to protect both guests and property owners. It shows guests you care about them and their personal wellbeing, and it provides you with WAY more protection than any nominal security deposit could.
Charging a nightly fee on every reservation can bring the costs of your vacation rental insurance down significantly.
For example, let's say your occupancy rate in a given month is around 80% occupancy. That would mean your vacation rental property would be rented about 21 days per month. If you add an InsuraGuest fee of only $3 per night, you would add $63 per month to the bottom line. (21 days x $3 = $63/mo). If you choose our $60/mo subscription model (for up to $10,000 coverage), your insurance costs would essentially be net $0. Where else can you get $10,000 of insurance coverage for you and your guests for $0/mo?
Let us show you how it works. Get a demo
3. Guest Injury Protection
In our experience, the single most important item on the minds of Florida vacation rental property owners is the potentiality of a lawsuit resulting from guest injuries. Let's face it. Accidents happen.
But what type of insurance do you need to protect against this kind of liability? You need vacation rental liability insurance or more specifically, short term rental insurance for a Florida vacation rental property.
If (or when) a guest gets injured during a stay at your vacation rental property, you need to know you're covered against expensive medical bills that could ruin your vacation rental business if you're found liable.
But what if the injury wasn't your fault? That may be the case, but it doesn't necessarily stop someone from suing you. It can still get expensive in a quick hurry regardless of who's at fault.
With InsuraGuest, you don't need to worry about who's fault it is. We pay up to $25,000 in guest injury medical bills regardless of who is at fault.
In most cases, you can forget about worrying whether to file a claim against your homeowner's insurance policy. With most homeowners insurance policies, your premium will increase after you file a claim. Why take the risk? Why file a claim against your homeowner's policy that makes your premium go up? InsuraGuest is the best STR insurance in Florida.
With InsuraGuest, for less than a cup of coffee per day you can rest assured you and your guests are protected against accidental injuries during a stay.
4. Property Damage Protection
The second most worrisome thing Florida vacation rental property owners face is property damage by guests.
When you open your short term vacation rental property up to guests, you open up the possibility of damage to your property and its contents.
It happens all the time. Owners list a vacation rental property on AirBnB, VRBO, or another online listing platform and find that guests don't always treat their property the same way the owner does. That's why you need short term rental insurance.
We've covered everything from broken tiles and windows to stained carpet and damaged sofas.
5. No Contract
One of the best features of InsuraGuest is that we are subscription-based. We offer two plans. For $69/mo, get up to $10,000 in coverage. For $99/mo, get up to $25,000 in coverage.
When you subscribe with InsuraGuest you simply click the sign up button and add your property address, payment details, and other basic information.
Your property is covered instantly!
No need to wait through a long discovery or valuation process, your short term vacation rental property is covered the instant you subscribe. No long term contracts. Cancel any time.
6. Only Pay For When You Need It
At InsuraGuest, we recognize your vacation rental business can be seasonal. In Florida, your occupancy rate changes depending on what time of year it is. That's why we set up a way for you to pause insurance, then start it again when you need it. All you need to do is log into your account, click on the subscription you want to pause, and click the Pause link.
That's it. Your insurance coverage is paused instantly. Just log back in and click the Start link to restart coverage. That way you're not paying for insurance during off-season months and only paying for the days and weeks you actually need coverage.
7. Make Your Vacation Rental Business More Profitable
InsuraGuest helps you set up an automatic nightly fee in your favorite property management system so you can collect a marketing fee of a few dollars per reservation. This can help cover your subscription costs and improve your vacation rental business revenue.
Guests hate paying security deposits. Security deposits can have a negative connotation and make it seem like you, as the property owner, are more concerned about your property than them as guests.
So don't make them. Instead, add a small nightly InsuraGuest fee to every guest reservation so your guests know they are protected during their stay. You'll have way happier customers and better reviews as well.
8. Works With Your Favorite Property Management System
InsuraGuest has partnered with the most popular PMS companies in the vacation rental property industry so our software works seamlessly with theirs. There is no cumbersome integration process, all you need to do is sign up for an InsuraGuest subscription, then add a nightly fee to every guest reservation in the property management system of your choice.
Sign Up Today.
InsuraGuest has partnered with the most popular PMS companies in the vacation rental property industry so our software works seamlessly with theirs. There is no cumbersome integration process, all you need to do is sign up for an InsuraGuest subscription, then add a nightly fee to every guest reservation in the property management system of your choice.
Don't wait. Add your vacation rental property today and get instant coverage. You can start, pause, restart, or cancel your subscription at any time. Not sure? Contact us for a free demo.
The Best Vacation Rental Insurance in Florida

Vacation rental insurance simplified
The BEST short term vacation rental property insurance in Florida
Lower your homeowners insurance costs
Coverage for bodily injury to guests
Coverage for property damage & contents
$69/mo for $10,000 coverage
$99/mo for $25,000 coverage
No contract, cancel any time
Only pay for coverage when you need it
Let guests help pay for coverage
More profit to the bottom line
Works with your favorite property management system
Let's talk.
Contact us for a free, friendly, no-obligation consultation to help you decide if this is right for you.